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Bilateral Osteotomies for congenital hip displacement.

Date: 08 Jun 2000
Time: 15:07:24
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I had a bilateral osteotomies at age 23 as both femur heads found to be out of their sockets and resting on outer pelvic bone - wearing the bone away. Experienced pain in back of knees never in hips. Was not given any other choice except to be in a wheelchair within 5 years. No one could believe there was anything wrong as I climbed trees, ran races and did everything that other kids and young people did.

Each op. done 10 days apart, using my own bone with metal pins to keep femurs in sockets. Later pins extracted. After being in a body cast for 2 months and learning to walk again at Convalesance lasted 25 years...

Had various pain during the last 3-5 years. Found only coated aspirin kept me going...(2x650mg- 3xday-through Rheumatologist).

During this time, led a full life and had two children.

Age 48 - had to have both hips replaced with S-ROM (metal&plastic) non-cemented. Bone on bone causing much pain, even at rest, plus bone cysts could be seen in CatScan. Came through both ops. with little problem and felt like a new person - no more grinding pain!

Was told not to weight-bear for 6 weeks. Progressed to crutches, then canes. Both times I was back to work (office)within 3 months using one cane.

Left hip held out only 8 years! Found one day I couldn't bear to step on it. Was told it was 'decompensated'. Went on crutches for a few weeks until a 'revision' was done. Took another 3 mos to get back to work. Was told other hip would probably have to be revised soon as showing displacement.

Nov 2000 right hip digressed to point of pain upon bearing weight. Had to use crutches again until March 21 'revision'. At least right hip held out for 12 yrs!

With each 'revision' it was found I had large cysts behind pelvic cup that had to be cleared out and new bone(from bone bank)put in. Apparently, these cysts form to 'catch' the plastic debris that results from the wearing out of plastic covering ball joint and cup liner.

I wish I could give everyone only 'happy every after news' but the plastic prosthesis do wear out much quicker than bone..

Has anyone else had this wear-out problem? I don't look forward to having to have any more 'revisions'(am still recuperating) but if I develop cysts as a result of wear and tear on the plastic - what can be done?


Last changed: June 08, 2000