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From: natalie
Date: 05 Aug 2000
Time: 23:28:16
Remote Name:


I had THR surgery when I was twenty-four years old. It has now been five years and I am living well with relatively no complaints. I was diagnosed with pigmented vilonodular synovitis. I had a synovectomy but it did not prove to be successful as my femur had already been too severely damaged due to the onset of avascular necrosis. A team of doctors were rounded up and they unanimously wanted me to have an arthrodesis (fusion of the femur and hip). I was a young single woman, not willing to choose to be handicapped. After reading as much as possible on THR, I did not give up my fight to remain active and self-reliant. Six months after my first surgery, there was a major regression in my condition and a THR was performed. My pereneal nerve was damaged during the surgery and I could not lift my foot for quite some time. After much rehabilitation, I have no physical handicap, I am now very active and love my life. You would never guess that this happened by seeing me. My concerns as of late are only about the distant future. If most doctors preferred to fuse my hip, not liking the idea of THR due to my age, my later years must look very bleak. Is there something I don't know? Why were they so adamantly opposed to THR? P.S. This site is a pleasant surprise!

Last changed: August 05, 2000