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Re: Legg Perthes...To Libby...

From: Brenda.F.
Date: 29 Dec 1999
Time: 07:48:57
Remote Name:


Hi Libby, Glad to see another response. So sorry you felt the need to find this site as I did. You know this site has been a great deal of help for me. I too have legg perthes, diagnosed as a teen. I had surgery at age 20 and it helped for a little while but I am now 33 and cannot seem to take much more pain. I am now scheduled for a THR in July 2000. I have two children and can't bear the thought of missing out on many more things with them. After my second child I started to think about this THR more seriously. Now he is 4 and I'm going for it. As millie and I have said IT IS TIME TO GET OUR LIFE BACK!!! How long have you had so much pain? Please feel free to E Mail me at It will help to talk to someone who knows what you are going through. I live in Ontario,Canada. Where are you from? Hope to hear from you soon. Brenda.F.

Last changed: December 29, 1999