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Re: still trying to decide

From: Brenda.F.
Date: 04 Jan 2000
Time: 18:17:30
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Hi Marty, You sound like you are in the same boat as I was a few years ago. I have Legg Perthes and a few years ago my Dr. would tell me over and over again that I was too young to have THR. I am now 33 years old and in Dec. he finally said that yes he would do the surgery. He told me that it is not as uncommon now for younger people to have THR as it was a few years ago. There is so much tecnology out there that they can do it on younger people without the worry of it not lasting. New hip joints are losting alot longer. I'm scheduled for July 2000 and am starting to look forward to it. I have to admit it was real scarry when he finally said he'll do it, but I am mentally preparing myself for it now. I don't think I'm 100% ready but will be come July. My advice to you is make it well known to your DR. That you are the one living in pain and that what you are too young for is all that pain. If he will not listen then may I suggest finding another Dr. Good Luck Marty. Where are you from? Are there many surgeons there that do THR? Brenda.F.

Last changed: January 04, 2000