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Re: Metal on Metal Hip Replacement

From: David's Late Reply
Date: 03 Feb 2000
Time: 17:16:37
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Very late at getting back so I assume that by now you have have your surgery. My recovery is doing great! Of course there is still ache. I am close to 3 month post op (Feb 11th) and they still have me on oxycontine which is a pain reliever that you take once every 12 hours. Works great and no I cannot feel anything from it other than the reduction of pain. I was told that I can expect to have pain on and off for about 6 months. I can tell that with each passing week the pain is less and less. I am walking without a cane and am really impressed with my improvement. I can already do things that I have not been able to do for the last 3 years. My goal is not to get back into sports but enjoy all of the other less impacting pleasures that have been almost unthinkable before my surgery. I can tell that it wont' be long and I will be able to do most everything I was doing over 3 years ago before this nightmare started..Later David

Last changed: February 03, 2000