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Re: avn  both shoulders replaced  Jan 11th coredecompression with...

Date: 19 Feb 2000
Time: 12:40:36
Remote Name:


I can certainly relate to you feeling like a prisoner in your own home and the depression your going through. I've been unable to walk for 6 months now. I had Legg Perthes at 10 and out of no where the pain came back terribly. I always loved my independance, my job and the little things in life like grocery shopping. I'm lucky to have a wonderful boyfriend who's been sticking by me. Sometimes I feel terrible though because the depression causes terrible mood swings and I don't know how he stands it! I also spend the day on the computer while he's at work. This web site has really lifted my spirits though. I finally have hope after hearing alot of these stories. My doctors are finally considering a hip replacement but still haven't given me a date. For now at least I know I'm not alone. Take care, your in my prayers, Julie

Last changed: February 19, 2000