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Re: Start of a Journey

Date: 02 Apr 2000
Time: 18:11:37
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I certainly sympathize with you--I am 47 male married and expecting our first child in June. I was very athletic just up to last year as both my hips started to act up terribly,mostly from sailing competively as I am a Yacht Broker and love the activity but the fast movements are rough on the joints. I laid off the last 5 months and my hips are a lot better but my level of activity has decreased significantly and I gained some weight. I feel now I must hit the gym and I am sure the hips will act up but I dislike being so stagnant as this has not been the pattern in my life. I will start again smartly and let you no how it works out. I totally no what your experiencing with the pain as my worst days I lived on vicoden. Try to get to ground Zero if you can cut the inflamation and then enjoy your walks again and watch those curbs and bumbs as our hips hate those altercations --Robert Marotta Sausalito California

Last changed: April 02, 2000