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Re: Facing Surgery

From: Brenda.F.
Date: 09 May 2000
Time: 07:53:34
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Hi Ron, I read yout post on the board and you are so right. This is not a happy experience for any of us. I am scheduled for THR on July 17th. I will be having ceramic hip I think. Long story! I am participating in a study using ceramic and "new" plastic or ceramic and ceramic socket. I am not sure yet but will get more info. closer to the "BIG" day. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone when you say you are not happy about the whole thing. Stay with the board and it will help. I am 33 years old and was scared to death, but the people here have been a comfort to me. a little support goes a long way. Good Luck Ron. Where are you having this done? I am from Canada and my THR has been scheduled since DEC.99. It has been a long wait. My suggestion to you is to do as much research as possible it does help. Brenda.F.

Last changed: May 09, 2000