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Re: 48 Female THR on April 20, 2000

From: gary at
Date: 13 May 2000
Time: 11:40:55
Remote Name:


vivian, did you get my e-mail? if not heres another one. I am now 2and one-half weeks out and besides the boredom, feel relatively o.k. sleeping is getting slowly easier, not a full night though. I just want to let all t.h.r. patients that as a Dr. ive researched this disease and prednisone is not the sole cause of a.v.n. It has to do with too much fats stored in the pancreas. and these fats migrate to the blood supply over the femoral head. The docs are way to slow to aptly read blood tests bacause low grade pancreatitisa shows up on a typical blood chem. My only other concerns are that at 45, dear lord please dont let me go through this for umpteen years. look forward to any other info. good luck, gary

Last changed: May 13, 2000