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THR at 27?

From: Kim
Date: 16 May 2000
Time: 15:39:56
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I have had a damaged hip since birth due to a staph infection, which has also caused a slight length difference in my legs. I have had limited movement in my hip all my life. A year ago I had a baby whch brought out severe arthritis. I saw an Orthopedic Surgeon who suggested I "wait and see what happens". Well, it just keeps getting worse. He is still suggesting I take "pain killers" to preserve the hip I have and is against a THR at my age. I can see his point, but the problem is, I am in pain every day, I have a son I can't run around with, and I want more children! Anyone have any suggestions, info or a specialist they could recommend? Post a message or e-mail me

Last changed: May 16, 2000