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Date: 16 May 2000
Time: 21:31:29
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I have had the same diagnosis as you but I am 37 years old. I had my first THR on the left side in 1995, a revision in 1997 for constant dislocations, the ligaments did not shrink enough during the healing process and back to work in 6 weeks did not help anything. Had another revision in 1999 for a loose fumur rod thanks to work and going back after 6 weeks post op. In 1999 the dr's told me that I would require cadaver bone( researched this alot to make sure it was 100% safe) graphs since I did not have any more availiable bone to take from my own body ( form the last two operations. Now i have a broken del mile wire and constant bursitis from the scare tissue. The right side is still floating around in there, Dr's could not fix it in the 60's .The bone graph is no more painful than the over all surgery its self and and my recovery time was about two days in the hospital and I was at home. From the two surgeries prior I was a veteran by then. Overall you will do just fine. My surgery was done in Roanoke VA, Due to CDH I had a lot of reconstuctive surgery w/ graphs the first go round. I still limp and have a lot of pain in the area but when you are a THR patient you trade the arthritic pain for another type of pain. I am sure you will go through the surgery just fine and have a positive attitude and and keep your spirits up. Nothing bad will happen. Been there and done that three times in the past five years. You and all THR will be in my prayers.