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From: Kim
Date: 08 Jun 2000
Time: 10:19:14
Remote Name:
Hi Allison, my story is posted, THR at 27? I was offered an alterative surgery also similar to you ans contemplated the same issue-if it doesn't work, I have no choice but the THR. But even if it does work, cutting into the socket (which was what my surgery would entail) would relive the pain for a while, and the arthritis is sure to set in after a some ime, then your back where you started, needing the THR. Only you can decide how much pain you are in and how long you can wait, but I do have a son who is just turning a year and we want another, so I am chooosing to wait until after we have our 2nd since the recovery time after surgery could be lengthy. But my suggestion would be if you can't wait a few years, do it before you start your family so you can enjoy them without being in pain. Good Luck.