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From: CJ
Date: 12 Jul 2000
Time: 18:55:19
Remote Name:
I am looking for stories on alternative post operative therapy to strengthen the leg after surgery. I had a spinal fusion (L3/4) in 1998 and that has given me the strength now to handle the THR. I believe the hip wore out from too many years compensating for the spinal deterioration. I am 61 yo female who had a right THR on June 6, 2000. I had a spinal and a very good (pain free) experience in the hospital and the first week at home. I have been on crutches and will be able to shed them when the doc x-rays me on 7/24 to see the "fuzzy bone" growth. I have been doing upper body weight lifting, water therapy (hydro aerobics) 3-4 times per week and 10 minutes per day riding a bike. I got my car back after one month and the flexibility and mobility (pain free) is wonderful. Would like to hear of other innovative post-op therapies people are doing.