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uneven leg length after left THR

From: Lola
Date: 22 Aug 2000
Time: 10:57:09
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I had a THR done on my right hip 05/30/2000 due to OA. The results were nothing short of miracle. The day after the surgery I had nominal pain in comparison to my prior circumstance. Both hips were shot so I just completed my second THR on my left 08/15/2000. The post op pain has been unbearable; and when I stand on my "good" right leg my new left leg must bend at the knee. In order to straighten my left leg I must stand on an 1.5" thick book with my right leg. I am rapidly becoming very depressed. I have an appt with my surgeon on 08/25 for staple removal and I'll discuss all this with him in depth at that time. I had noticed my bent knee at the hospital after my first walk and told my Dr. I was sitting and he placed my legs as close together as possible and the knees and ankles appeared to line up. It is not until I stand that the length disparity becomes obvious. I have read a few postings that PT was successful at correcting leg lengths by tightening up the flabby muscles. If anyone has any words of encouragement to offer, I could sure use them. I am so blue to think that I've gone through all this just to have to wear a shoe lift and keep my limp that I've grown to hate. Right now I'm just having myself a big ole pity party and need some positive words. Thanks.

Last changed: August 22, 2000