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Re: Replacement and resurfacing

From: Kathy
Date: 30 Aug 2000
Time: 14:29:19
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Hello Nial, I read your article today and it sounds like my situation, only I am a few yrs older..48 I am 2 post op from a right THR. I totally understand your fear. I was in surgery for 1-1/2 hr, recovery 1hr. and back into my room. All this by 1:00 in the afternoon. By 4:00 same day I was sitting dangling my feet over the bed. NO PAIN. The next day less then 24 hrs after surgery with the aid of a walker I walked to PT down the hall. I was dismissed on Sunday..48hrs after surgery. I watched my precautions which you will receive before surgery. My hospital had us come for 1/2day for instructions as to showering, getting in and out of car and up and down steps etc... Follow these precautions exactely for 6 weeks. At 6 wks I was driving and running short errands. Also doing all my own cleaning(not floors). Sure, there was good days and bad. But I must honestly say I had more pain entering the hospital than leaving. I had an excellent Dr. this is the only surgery he preforms..hip and knee replacement. Yes, this surgery will only last 15-20yrs , but 'NO PAIN' . I was born with hip displacement and finally wore it out leaving no artiledge on ly bone and bone. Very very painful...e-mail me for any questions.. Good Luck Kathy

Last changed: August 30, 2000