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Hip Replacements

Date: 18 Sep 2000
Time: 17:56:47
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I can't believe this! I found this site by accident!I come from a long line of hip replacements, my mom has had 3 sets, my sister has had 2, and I have been very, very lucky and only had 1 set. Ours is obviously inherited. My sister had to have her second set only after having hers 3 years which is rare. I searched the web non-stop to find out why. This site is a God send, it's great to know there are others out there, I was only 25 yrs. when I had to have the first one done, 36 now. They did not know what to do with me. I did a lot of suffering and stayed awake many nights worring. I felt very alone and felt that no one other than my mother understood what was happening to me. I still get a lot of funny looks from Dr.s (other than orto's) they act like some crazy man cut out my hips for fun!!! Would love to talk to others with hip replacements or those who are trying to decide. It was the BEST thing I ever did!!!!!

Last changed: September 18, 2000