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Re: Thinking about it? SCARED!!!!!!!!

From: kls
Date: 04 Nov 2000
Time: 21:32:20
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Hi Rich, I also had legg perthes. I am now 48 and 4-1/2 post op right THR. I also was terrified ,I imagine most of us are/were who are reading and posting on this page. It is a very normal reaction to the unknown. So, I decided to do extensive reseach before I underwent the surgery. I found the most reputable Dr. and Hospital after I had 2-3 opinions. The surgery itself is not so bad, yes there are restrictions,but with any major surgery you will have restricitons,even having a baby. So please relax and try not to worry so much.Remember 80 yr old people have this surgery everyday. I had 1/2 day of classes before my surgery for me and my family. They showed us how to use the bathroom,shower,pick-up things and get in and out of car. My restrictions were lifted after 6 wks. and I went back to work part-time for 2 wks. Although my job does not require any real physical labor I still showered,dressed and drove up to 30 miles per day getting in and out of the car. I was tired at the end of the day, but it felt great to get back into the swing of life. At 8 wks I did all my own cleaning,laundry,stairs,ironing,groceries etc... If I had to do all over agin I would have worked out and strengthed my legs and upper body before surgery.This of course would help a faster recuperation. I did not need a blood transfusion, my Dr, used a circulator(?) Also he used the marcane pack attached to my hip it supplied me with a anthestic and therefore no pain or pain was wonderful.They mainly use this on knee patients, but it works on the hip also. Check into it.. Rich, I must say I entered the hospital with more pain then leaving. I used my walker for 2 wks,then a 4 prong for 2 wks then a cane for 2 wks. after 6 wks I was walking wo/assistance. I did take my cane along in the car for those not so good days. I hoep I have helped in some small way. Everyone's recuperation is different I am sure yours will be fine you have youth on your side....just remember to find the best Dr, and hosptial..Do your homework and things will be fine....keep us posted take care....

Last changed: November 04, 2000