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Re: Thinking about it? SCARED!!!!!!!!

From: Donna
Date: 05 Nov 2000
Time: 02:48:52
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Rich: I had total hip because after my broken hip healed, I than got avascular necrosis. In march of this year, I woke up and I couldn't walk, just limped. Went to the Dr., and it was a chiropractor, and he said oh, don't worry your just walking wrong. Being a Dr. who just wanted my business, he gave me pool therapy and massage, and I finally complained enough to my surgeon that he had a mri done and said surgery is a must. This was June, and I couldn't have the surgery till Aug 22. By than, I had to leave my job till after this surgery, which I am still off of. My surgeon said I'd be back in 6 to 8 weeks, but that didn't work out because once they opened me up they found that I needed bone grafting, etc. So I had the surgery and extreme pain. After 1 week in hospital, I went to one week in rehab and believe me I had a lot of pain, and I still take a lot of pills and it has been 10 weeks and 6 days. I am still on a walker because I need the bone grafting to heal correctly. I go to therapy three times a week and pool therapy also. I have a toilet raiser so I can go to the bathroom, but that is why I went to rehab. I learned how to dress myself, go to the bathroom, and get ready for bed, since my husband is crippled and could not help me with that stuff. They show you that in rehab. I took myself off vioxx last week, and I lost 5 pounds that I had gained being on it, but all the pain up and down both legs, hands, neck, back, feet and especially at night, I get feet cramps. I also have the groin pain that I had before surgery. I am a little confused at why I even had the surgery but I know I had to have it. I am not one of the lucky ones yet. There will come a day when the pain will be gone. If you do not need surgery, don't get it unless you have to. They always say you try to keep your own parts of your body and not have prosthesis put in if you don't need it. Your own body is always better. I just hope in two weeks the Dr. will say my bone grafts are still in the correct position and I can go to the cane and than driving and than back to work. I know some of this is negative, but I do tell the truth. Some Doctors don't tell you everything. Good luck. Donna

Last changed: November 05, 2000