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Hospital Stay

From: Heather
Date: 04 Dec 2000
Time: 15:23:35
Remote Name:


I have scheduled my surgery (THR) for January 29th. I'm tired of the pain and Darvocet haze. I'm sick of hobbling and limping and everyone doing everything for me. I'm tired of hearing "No, Heather, sit down, I'll get it for you." and "Don't get up! What do you need?" I'm 27 and this is not quality living. I have a 2 year old and a 7 year old and a golden retriever that needs to be walked more that I can accomodate. I'm ready.

I have so many questions but the doctor and staff are in surgery all day today and can't return my call until tomorrow. How long will I be in the hospital is the burning issue right now. Can anyone tell me how long they had to stay? My doc says I will be able to walk within 24 hours. Does that mean I won't have any major "down" time? Will I be self sufficient or will I need help with everything from bathing to going to the bathroom? What will the first few weeks of post op be like? Help!

Last changed: December 04, 2000