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Re: Hosptial Stay   Heather

From: Casey
Date: 07 Dec 2000
Time: 01:42:09
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Heather, I am 46 year old female I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. I had THR of left hip Aug. 18, 2000. I was in the hosptial a total of 10 days. Part of that was alot of physical therapy, pool therapy, and learning how to do things with a NEW hip, using a walker and a cane. I had the procedure done without cement because of MY young age, so I would imagine that they will do yours without cement. It takes a little longer to heal in the beginning but it will hold up better than cement. They did get me up to sit the day after. then the next day to SLOWLEY walk around the bed. The 3rd day in wheel chair to pool therapy. Pool Therapy was wonderful! I COULD WALK UNDER WATER! They had me with only partial weight baring for the first 6 weeks. and on a walker for 3 months and I am now walking with a cane. They did some bone grafting which makes healing slightly slower. The pain from my hip was gone after surgery! I only had incisional pain and a healing pain from the surgery. My left hip feels a little odd at times, but I am very glad I did this. I had been struggling with this pain since end of 1997. I was in a wheelchair on and off when it got real bad.I was receiving epidurals in the spine every 6 weeks to help me cope before they operated. I have also been on predisone and Metholtrexate and Asulfasalizine, for rheumatoid... I hope to get off the prednisone. I wish you luck on your surgery, but realize that it is a major surgery. I certainly had a bit of down time. I own a Mexican Restaurant and was unable be in it and to run it for a couple of months. I am back now but not up to full speed yet. It is real important to take care of your new hip (hip precautions) to make it as good as it can be and last as long as it can. Let me know how you are doing. Casey

Last changed: December 07, 2000