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From: Tom Cook (Champion24@qwest.net)
Date: 07 Jan 2001
Time: 13:16:57
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With regards to your husband's upcoming hip surgery, I wish to pass along my best wishes for his speedy recovery and for the both of you regaining some quality of life. I had hip replacement 2 years ago after having so much terribly agonizing pain. My leg was also shorter, resulting in a very bad limp which then caused me knee problems and back problems, which I have also had to address. As a result of my hip surgery, I also had a knee rebuilt, and although the recovery process was long, it all was worth it. I might also add that the pain from the knee surgery was far worse than the pain from the hip replacement. Please tell your husband, and believe yourself, that all will be fine. Attitude means a lot and a great attitude will help his recovery to be that much faster and easier. Be prepared for some bad days, but they will be greatly outweighed by the good days. By the way, will your husband be getting a glued in prosthesis or one that is pressed in? I feel that after all the research I did prior to my surgery, that a pressed in one is better because of our ages. Make sure he does the therapy...the more he does the better, and once he gets on his feet and starts to walk, then do this - walk, walk and walk!!! It all helps. I hope he will also have a good therapist to assist him after the surgery. That makes a big difference also. Mine was just great and I can't say enough about that. But I'm sure that you will push him and help him also...that means more to him than anything. To both of you, be brave and strong and positive...you are taking a step which will be a betterment not only to his well-being, but to your marriage as well. Good luck to both of you, my prayers and best wishes are with you. If you wish to ask me any questions, don't hesitate to ask!! Best wishes always, Tom