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From: Ronny
Date: 09 Jan 2001
Time: 18:26:37
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Greetings, In reading your article and the responses, I can say that it is worth it in every way. I am 36 and will be post OP, THR right side, 2 years on 1/20/01. I had my hip pinned at age 13 thus stooping the growth center making my left 2.75 inches short at the time of my hip replacement. I lived with the pain from age 13 to 34. The doctors wanted to hold off for as long as possible but I finally requested the replacement. I determined that the damage that was going on in my back, not to mention the knees, was only going to get worse. The hip had no cartilage left and was bone to bone. Yes.... I could have waited a little longer but went ahead and had the replacement. It was the BEST thing I have ever done. They gave me back my leg length, my back feels better then ever and after 2 years, have never felt better.

Advice! Well... do the exercises and keep on doing them. A new hip is a new way of life and changes will have to be made. I am active, I will never play football again but it is a small price for feeling 110% better. I have adjusted my life style thinking that the better I take care of the hip, the longer it will last knowing that it will not last forever but that is OK. I would do it all over again at the age of 34. The quality of my live has improved 10 fold. Just do it! It WILL take a year to fully see the difference but that years goes by very fast. Looking back I cannot remember what the pain was like.

One last TIP*** A lager plastic bag... The 30 to 50 gal yard bags. It is the best thing in the world in getting in and out of a vehicle. It will allow easy turning because the plastic allows sliding. Very nice in relieving pain. You will not want to go any place with out one.

Do the therapy.. Keep on doing the exercises........ For Life. The best advice I can give. Best wishes and to a fast recovery,

Ronny Smith

Last changed: January 09, 2001