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From: Donna
Date: 20 Jan 2001
Time: 02:05:40
Remote Name:
Jim: I was in the hospital for one week, and on the second week they sent me to rehab, and I was given a shower. I was told the first time, when I broke my hip, that I had to wait til the stitches were taken out. This second time, with the total hip, they let me take showers with the stitches in, and the Dr. told me at 3 weeks, when I had the stitches out, that I shouldn't have had a shower with the stitches in. Not much help, am I. As far as the stairs, when you were in the hospital, did they show you how to do the stairs? They showed me, but I think a quick phone call to your Dr. would answer your questions about going up a lot of stairs. Good luck. Donna