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From: Donna
Date: 27 Jan 2001
Time: 02:32:54
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I do not run across to many people who have the groin pain, in fact I have only met one other person plus my own Dr. who has had it. I started getting the bad groin pain 3 weeks before surgery. I am not able to do straight leg lifting and driving my car that has a clutch is not fun. If I accidently hit something with my foot, I get bad pain in the groin area only. I have asked and searched every site on the internet for reasons, and there are many of them. People say, oh its the ligaments, the tendons, the muscles, etc. But what is it really. I finally saw my Dr. on Monday and he informed me that he had the groin pain for three years after his own total hip surgery. He finally started doing a stretch exercise for that muscle(and it is hooked onto a tendon). He got rid of that pain doing that. As far as the clicking noise, when I started getting the groin pain, a few weeks before that (about two months), I started getting the clicking noise when I pushed my clutch in or out while driving. After hip surgery that noise went away. They said it would, it was part of avn. Did you have a broken hip or total hip surgery? If you had a broken hip, it could be the starting of avn. Ask your Doctor and get a mri. I am 5 months post op and still in pain in groin, the buttocks, and at my back on the left side of spine. (plus my neck and arm fromthe walker for three months.) I really understand your concern. Please let me know if you find out anything. Bye for now.

Last changed: January 27, 2001