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From: kls
Date: 31 Jan 2001
Time: 17:12:36
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Keith, You surely were one of the lucky ones. I started limping at the tender age of 9-10. But, only when I ran. So, after awhile my parents believed me when I complained about the pain. My family Dr. ordered a spinal tap,since Polio was very prominent in the late 50's and early 60's. The test was very painful wo/seditive and having to lay very still due to possible spinal cord damage. The test came back negative. Now what?? I still limped, but quit complaining of pain for fear of more scarey and painful testing. Now at the young age of 48 I had THR of my right hip. My orthopedic surgeon was amazed how I functioned all those years. I worked full time and gave birth to 3 beautiful children. Somehow you just tune out the pain and learn to ignore it and not give into it. I was never a pill-pusher and seldom took anything for the pain. I knew if I did numb the pain then I would over-do and things then were worse. I decided to have the surgery after I could not even shop with my daughters or bend over to put on my shoes. I had slipped on my tennis shoes for years, tieing them before putting them on. I was tired ..... Now 7 months post -op the pain is gone, I still am limited to things due to a set-back(I over-did lifting) SO he put me back on the cane for 6 weeks. Well, thanks for listening to my story and good luck to all you fellow HIPPIES>>> take care......