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Re: right hip dislocation

From: Tony
Date: 12 Feb 2001
Time: 12:25:08
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First off you have come to the right place for hip info. You may want to post your questons in the discusion group #1 it seems to be used more.

I am no expert but my advice is to do NO STRETCHING because your muscles and tendens are stretched out of shape now. It will take time for them to go back to normal. To replace a hip joint they pop it out of socket and expose the joint. So after hip replacement it takes time to get back to normal also. Start tightening your hip and leg muscles. Tighten each one and hold for 5 seconds do that 10 times. GO to discussion group 1 and use the search option at bottom. Type in key words you want to find. Such as therapy or exercises. Also use the links at the left of home page. You should benefit from and be able to do the same exercises that hip replacement patients use. Be aware of your hip in the future. Seperating a joint is very very bad. A doctor told me once that dislocation for over 6 hrs can cause bone death so keep an eye on your bone density. Good Luck and may GOD bless you. Tony

Last changed: February 12, 2001