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Re: THR to be done February 20, 2001

From: Donna
Date: 15 Feb 2001
Time: 01:41:37
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To KMeyers: How is this for a almost a identical story? I fell at work and broke my left hip on February 28, 1999. I worked real, real hard at rehab and was able to return to work May 21, 1999. I used no cane and still went to therapy weekly til June 2000. Had a MRI and they found Avascular Necroses, so on August 22, 2000 I had a total hip surgery done. I was suppose to RTW in two months, and it has now been six months and still in extreme pain in the groin, plus I now have tendonitis in the shoulder for being on a walker for almost 4 months. The only thing I can say in a case such as mine is to keep searching for the answers, keep calling the Doctor, keep asking questions (even strange ones), keep praying, and especially keep happy and eventually something positive will happen. I finally wrote my Doctor so he would have what I need in writing so he can see what I am saying instead of constantly trying to tell him where the pain is. He now thinks I might be right and it could be the effusion of the joint that showed up before my total hip surgery. It was the same pain I was having now. So, I am going to go to another specialist he is sending me to and see what that Dr. thinks. In your case, sounds like you are on the right road now. I hate to tell you this, but just keep going to therapy and smile. One day the smile will just stay there from happiness. Bye Donna

Last changed: February 15, 2001