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From: aorang@voyager.co.nz
Date: 30 Mar 2001
Time: 05:35:12
Remote Name:
My young daughter was found to have a displaced hip at age 15 months last August. It was put in place by a closed manipulation and she was placed in a plaster spica cast for twelve weeks followed by a leg brace for 4 weeks. After the cast was removed at Christmas she quickly learned to walk and is outwardly fine now. BUT, she was xrayed again two weeks ago (8 March) and there has been no significant growth in her hip bone to form a socket. The specialist told us not to worry, he was happy with her femur position, it was early days etc and we have been booked in to be rexrayed again in six months. Should we be concerned that the hip does not appear to be showing growth yet or is he correct? Maree & Stewart Morse