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Re: arthroscopic surgery for DDH(CHD)

Date: 03 May 2001
Time: 20:39:40
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Hi there, Sorry that I haven't e.mailed this sooner, I actually moved to Australia and forgot this website address! I have Hip Dysplasia and in November 99 I had arthroscopy to clean up my hip but it didn't work. They put me on Vioxx as well but this never helped either. The only thing that has ever helped at all with the pain is having acupuncture. I had cortisone injection once into the hip which helped me sleep at night as the pain wasn't so bad, but in the day it was the same as always. I read on this discussion page how bad cortizone injections were, so I refrained from having any more and then would go to an acupuncturist who was wonderful. I sleep still through the night (as the cortizone injection wore off after 6 weeks with the sleeping benefit) but I haven't been back to the acupuncturist for 8 months (as I left America) but still I sleep through the night which is wonderful as I had 4 years of sleepless nights until then. Maybe you already have had your arthroscopy done by now, but if not, be careful who you go to. I flew up to San Franscisco to see a Doctor Dorr who is one of the best. There are many doctors who aren't as good and can do a lot of damage, I heard many stories. Good luck Julie S

Last changed: May 03, 2001