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recurrent infection in thr

From: doreen
Date: 17 Jul 2001
Time: 20:07:51
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In April of 2001 my mother-in-law had a THR on the left. We survived the surgery and the rehab period, but was back in the hospital in May with a hip infection. They diagnosised MSRA and said it was only involving the fat tissue in her hip. She is quite obese. She ended up home for 6 weeks of IV Vanco. The vanco finished 10 days ago and she is now having increasing in her groin. It is very similar to the pain she experianced before her first infection. We had some blood work done 2 days ago showing a slight increase in her ESR and C reactive protien. We are now scheduled for a ultrasound and aspiration. Is it common for 6 weeks of vanco to not be enough? What do we do next? I read about doxicycline PO, is this were we are going?

Thanks, Doreen

Last changed: July 17, 2001