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Re: Osteotomy

From: Shannon R
Date: 03 Oct 2001
Time: 09:52:19
Remote Name:


The procedure they did on me was take a slice out of my pelvic bone and reposition it to make a deeper socket. I have 4 pins all together. Two in my pelvic and two in my femur. The surgery only took 2 1/2 hours which we were told would take 4. The hopital stay was terrible mostly because of a nurse's strike. The pain was bad but I was told it would be. It took about two weeks for the severe pain to go away to a dull ache. When my husband would lift me it was extremely painful. I had no weight bearing for the first 12 weeks and then went to 33% weight bearing for 4 weeks. On Thursday I go to 67% weight bearing I am hoping to lose a crutch or use a cane. My insision site is still painful and once and a while the pain is there. But for the most part the pain is gone. I may need a lift in my shoe because with the procedure it lengthened my leg. I don't go back to the doctor until Oct. 17 I'll find out more then. My range of motion is different. I can only go about 90 degrees. I am working on that in PT. There is a long process that goes along with this. Good Luck.

Last changed: October 03, 2001